
The New Age of Cockfighting: Why Online Sabong is Taking Over the Sport


For years, cockfighting has been a popular bloodsport in the Philippines. Also known as “sabong,” this activity typically takes place in rural areas and involves two roosters fighting to the death. In recent years, however, the popularity of sabong has begun to decline as more and more people are turning to s888 online sabong as their preferred way to bet on cockfights. Here’s a look at why this trend is happening and how it’s changing the world of cockfighting.

How Online Sabong is Taking Over the Sport

The rise of online sabong can be traced back to two major factors: the increasing popularity of online gambling in the Philippines and the growing number of Filipinos who are living and working abroad.

In terms of online gambling, Filipino law prohibits sports betting but makes no mention of other forms of gambling such as casino games or online poker. As a result, there are many illegal but widely popular online casinos based in the Philippines that offer cockfighting betting as one of their services. These casinos make it easy for people to place bets on cockfights from the comfort of their own homes and often provide live streaming of the fights so that bettors can see exactly what is happening in real time.

The second factor is the growing number of Filipinos who are living and working abroad. According to data from the Philippine Statistics Authority, there were approximately 2.3 million Filipinos working outside of the country as of 2017. This number has only grown in recent years as more and more Filipinos seek opportunities abroad.

For these Filipinos, being able to bet on cockfights online is a way to stay connected to their homeland and culture. Additionally, many OFWs (Overseas Filipino Workers) send money home to family members who then use it to gamble on sabong fights.

In the end

Whether you’re a longtime fan of cockfighting or you’re just getting started, there’s no denying that online sabong is revolutionizing the sport. Thanks to its convenience and accessibility, more and more people are placing bets on cockfights than ever before. With its popularity only expected to continue to grow, it’s safe to say that online sabong is here to stay.


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